What the hell is wrong with people on the left? Do they make it their mission to boycott or protest anything or anyone that is contrary to their preferences? Are they incapable of getting along or living with others? Sounds a lot like radical muslims! Are we going to have to start treating them like they treat everyone else? Why should we put refugees before the homeless and hungry here in the United States? Why should we put anyone before our veterans who have sacrificed and fought for our country, our freedom? Shouldn't our veterans come first? Shouldn't we make sure children, women, and men who are hungry and/or homeless here in the United States come before others anywhere? If we can defeat hunger, homelessness, and joblessness here first, wouldn't we be better able to help others in other countries? Wouldn't we be better able to defend our country and our way of life that so many want to take away from us? And if we're to be able to defend our country shouldn't we be able to control our borders and who comes into our country? Shouldn't we be able to stop those who would come into the United States to attack us and those who would take jobs and benefits that US CITIZENS should be getting?
Shouldn't we require those who get government entitlements, unemployment or welfare or food stamps, to help others? Why couldn't they do some community service for their benefits? Serve at a homeless shelter, participate in a reading program for kids, serve their community on litter pickup crews, work at a community center after school care, work in community gardens, anything to give back for the entitlements received. Volunteer at the VA, VFW, DAV, or any other organization that serves our veterans, anything to give back for entitlements received.
Why do people on the left always want something free for all? Free college. Not everyone is college material. I just read about an apprenticeship program to learn, on the job and in class, piping and refrigeration. $12.75/hr to start, $25.50/hr at completion of the program, with medical, dental, vision, an annuity, and pension. That means for learning a trade, which will be needed in many areas for years to come, a young person could be earning over $50,000/year, or roughly twice what an average college graduate would make in an entry level position if they could find one. With little or no out of pocket costs or debt. There will always be a need for trades.
Why doesn't the government end their program of paying farmers to not plant parcels of their land, if they haven't already. Let farmers plant every bit of acreage they can and what they don't sell to consumers, sell it to the government to use for humanitarian programs in the United States and around the world, or leverage against oppression around the world. I believe our farmers can produce more than enough to feed everyone in the United States and make enough profit to live comfortably, upgrade techniques, technology, and equipment. Maybe small farms could use some of the volunteer labor from people receiving government entitlements during their peak labor needs.
There are answers to the problems in the United States of America! The answers will all require work of some sort. We can't continue to pay people to sit and do nothing for what they receive. It's not right and it's not fair to people who work hard to earn their money. And it's certainly not fair to US CITIZENS for illegal immigrants to take jobs and benefits from them. Yes, US CITIZENS do pay for the benefits and lost jobs. Let's get US CITIZENS back to work at whatever they can do or learn to do. Then they can afford medical insurance without the government meddling in it. And if people are working and earning maybe they'll have some pride in their accomplishments and community. Maybe there would be less crime, protests, and riots as well.