Friday, December 12, 2014

Will there be a USA?

It seems like Barack Obama and liberal democrats are bent on waging War against US CITIZENS and our rights. He has used executive action to allow illegal aliens to stay in the USA and be eligible for benefits such as medical care, social security, welfare, and who knows what other taxpayer funded benefits. I agree that our citizenship system is not good and takes too long, but I don't agree that our borders are secure or that everyone already here should be allowed to stay. Why can't a nation with the resources of the USA keep up with people who have Visas and make sure they leave or get a new Visa when it is expired? We must provide a secure nation for everyone here!

Then we have Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, and many others stirring up the black population in Ferguson, MO and other cities because they didn't like a grand jury decision. Rule Of Law people! If we're to have any kind of judicial system, good or bad, we have to let it work and trust that it will reach the right decision the majority of the time. When it doesn't, there is always the court system to make sure the facts are presented and a judgement reached. We have to let the system work without protests, riots, arson, killings, and other atrocities in our streets.

And we have Obama waging economic warfare against every US CITIZEN and other resident in our country. How? The EPA! With coal fired plants providing much of our electricity Obama has decided to regulate those plants out of existence. What happens? Rates for electricity will skyrocket and Obama himself has stated that fact. How many residents here in the USA have extra funds available to pay sky high electricity bills? Not many! Thank goodness oil prices have dropped lately! Then there's the new regulations that allow the EPA to go after your personal funds if they decide you have broken their regs, without any due process! Sounds like IRS type powers that no government department needs to have!

So what can we do? We, US CITIZENS, need to stand with our law enforcement leaders like Sheriff Paul Babeu and others that have had enough of Obama's crap and want to do what's right for US CITIZENS. We need to stand together, black and white, brown, yellow, whatever we might be and say enough is enough! We need to say to Washington that we want the USA to be the leader of the world! We need to say that if you come here to live you must do it by legal means and we will do what we can to help you suceed. We need to say that if you attack our country, our CITIZENS, or our ALLIES, we will not stop until we wipe you off the face of the earth! We need to say that we, as a Nation, will not tolerate terrorism anywhere in the world and we will work with our allies to stomp it out!

We need to also prepare ourselves for the fact that our country isn't as secure as it once was and we may need to defend ourselves against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means that you and I need to plan to defend ourselves and families. We need to plan to provide for our every day needs without being able to go to the store and buy what we need. It's not a very appealing concept but the reality is Obama has weakened our country to the point that our enemies don't fear or respect us and probably have operatives here already. Prepare yourselves for the worst. Survive!

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