Thursday, June 28, 2012

Enough is Enough

Come on people! How can we continue to allow obama and the democrats to gut our country? Everything they're doing is raising spending and debt on US CITIZENS and placing more regulations on everything. I haven't worked 35+ to have my future given away to freeloaders that don't want to work for what they have, or illegal immigrants that are breaking our laws by just being in the US and are stealing jobs from CITIZENS!

One in seven people now use food stamps. How ridiculous is that? There are those that may really need them and there are those that will live on a handout. Food stamps, welfare, unemployment, health care insurance subsidies, they are all a handout that make people more dependent on the government and not on working for that they have. The United Socialist States of America are what we're going to be if we allow the democrats and obama to continue entitlements. They must be stopped if our children are going to have any chance at a future. Hard work, saving, investing, starting a business, that's what we should be counting on instead of government handouts.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Health care, Rights, and more..

Been thinking about the SCOTUS ruling on obamacare that's expected soon. You know, I don't have a problem with everyone having health care available to them. I do have a problem with people who freeloading off the government through entitlements being able to get the same care I worked 30+ years to have. I want to see the doctors I choose and get the best care I can afford, not average care from a doctor I don't know that will only do what government guidelines will allow. Save that for the entitlement recipient that chooses not to work and earn his own way in life.

Way to go SCOTUS! Giving away America by upholding only one part of Arizona's immigration law! Why should an illegal immigrant be afforded the same, or more, rights than a US CITIZENS? If they are here illegally they are already breaking our laws. Why should they have the right to free health care, prenatal care, social security, disability, public school education, income tax refunds, or any other benefit a US CITIZEN gets? US CITIZENS pay for these things! We can't afford it! We need immigration reform to limit the number of immigrant workers or visitors, not tourists, who come here. And we need a way to make sure they leave when they're supposed to. We also need federal law enforcement to lead the enforcement of immigration laws with the assistance of state and local law enforcement. We cannot have open borders and open wallets any longer!

Seems like if leadership of the USA is left to liberal democrats we will not be any better off than European countries or some third world countries! Look at the demonstrations going on around the US to allow illegal immigrants a free pass, or the occupiers that want everything for nothing! Nothing is free people! Our armed service men and women have fought and died for what we have! They are the only ones that deserve the support and care US CITIZENS can give them!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How Much USA?

How much? How much can we take from one president and his administration? In 3+ years unemployment is at record highs. In 3+ years illegal immigration is still rampant. In 3+ years cost of living is still rising. In 3+ years we have more regulations on businesses than ever. In 3+ years we're still having bailouts. In 3+ years banks are still failing. In 3+ years the US national debt is out of control. In 3+ years there are more government entitlements than ever. In 3+ years there has been more corruption and abuse of power and spending in government than ever before. How much more??

There are schools in the Birmingham metro area that graduated 30-40% of their seniors. 30-40%! 3-4 out of 10! How is our country ever going to move forward in the future with those kind of rates? What will happen to those kids? Crime? Entitled living on the government? Killed? NO FUTURE! Our schools have to provide free education for illegal immigrant children and free lunches to kids to arrive at school in Hummers and Escalades. Our teachers have to deal with kids that have no respect for anyone, especially a white female, and administrations that enforce very little discipline. We have school systems that can't enforce a dress code or discipline because they're afraid of lawsuits from students and their parents. WHERE IS OUR FUTURE?

Watch the news. Almost every day there are reports of young people, 15-25, who have been killed, have killed someone, have stolen something, or doing drugs. Where were their parents when they needed to be in their lives? Why are they running wild on the streets? Where are they getting the weapons they use? Why is violence the only solution to their disputes? Why aren't they working a summer job instead of stealing from someone? How many will end up dead or in prison? WHERE IS OUR FUTURE?

Watch the news. Almost every day we see reports of the president's administration being caught in something. The GSA scandal in Las Vegas. The Secret Service scandals in South America and Martha's Vineyard. An attorney general and justice department that spends more time suing states instead of enforcing the laws to protect our states, and puts our border agents in danger with Fast and Furious. Under the table deals with terrorists and countries that harbor them. No budget in 3+ years. Executive orders that bypass congress using power the president doesn't have. Promises. Lies. Excuses. More spending. More debt. More entitlements. More regulations. HOW MUCH MORE USA?

Monday, June 18, 2012

US Energy

After 3+ years of obama trying to raise the cost of gasoline and electricity on US CITIZENS, I have to wonder why GOP candidates up for election haven't been pounding his policies. I mean, the US has substantial deposits of coal, oil, and natural gas. We have the technology and the labor force to use these sources of energy. Why are we putting coal miners, oil and gas well workers, steel fabrication and erection workers into the unemployment lines? Why are we buying oil and some coal from other countries when we could use our own? Why does obama give other countries money to explore for and drill for oil rather than US companies?

After working most of my career for companies that produce fans, scrubbers, collectors, and other types of air pollution control equipment, I know there are companies that can build and install state of the art equipment. Since 2008 many of these steel fabrication companies have closed their doors and put their workers into the unemployment lines. Steel fabrication is not something that can be learned overnight and it's not an easy job. Fitting and welding are becoming lost arts. The last 3+ years have not helped these companies and workers. We have the technology and labor force to build or modify and install additional equipment to control air pollution. So why aren't we using existing technology and methods until "green" sources of energy are better developed and cheaper to produce?

Now the obama administration through the EPA is trying to impose limits on fossil fuel (coal and oil) fired electric generation plants that provide the majority of our power. This will put many coal miners out of work and cause electricity costs to skyrocket, which obama has admitted is part of his plan. Granted, there are many things we can do to reduce our needs for electricity. However, raising the cost and putting hardships on US CITIZENS already pushed to their budgetary limits BEFORE other technologies and energy production is in place is ridiculous. We need to be using the energy sources available to us NOW while developing and reducing the production costs of new sources. Then after we have sufficient production of new sources of energy the switch could be made with a minimum of hardship on US CITIZENS.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Farm Labor

I have been reading an article about the latest rules the obama department of labor is trying to impose on farms. The rules limit what farmers can allow teens to do on farms. I have to wonder if the obama administration is trying to force farmers to use immigrant labor, whether legal or illegal. Like many people, I believe obama prefers foreigners, legal or illegal, to US CITIZENS for some reason. Many of his policies seem to support that belief. Of course, I'm all for any employer hiring US CITIZENS rather than illegal immigrants. Hiring US CITIZENS would probably cost more and there may not be as many looking for seasonal farm work or be as willing as immigrants to relocate to follow the work.

Now the labor department wants to limit what teens might be able to do on farms by imposing age restrictions on certain tasks like driving tractors, using other equipment, working with livestock, or working at heights above 6 feet. Will these new regulations prevent teens from having summer or part-time jobs on farms? Will they discourage teens who like farm work from having their own farms? Will they cause teens to leave family farms to do other work and cause family farms to cease to exist? I don't know. I do know there are way too many teens today that have never done a hard days work, or any work at all. When teens want to farm or carry on the family farm they should be encouraged and have the best training available to them. With modern technology, equipment, and necessary labor force, US farms should be able to help eliminate hunger in the US. Buy American grown produce and support our farmers!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Giving Away America

So this morning I read that obama has bypassed congress again and will stop the deportation of some 800,000 illegal young people and will offer them work permits that are good for 2 years and renewable an unlimited number of times. What is wrong with this guy who is supposed to be POTUS? With our economy still in the tank, unemployment still at record levels, and 1/2 of our newest college grads unemployed, you would think obama would concentrate on helping US CITIZENS AND EMPLOYERS! I guess since I have a son-in-law that's recently unemployed (with a pregnant wife and a 3 year old) and two kids in college, I tend to see obama's actions as a threat to the country and my family. I also think he's just buying votes by pandering to a segment of the population. I really don't see the economic situation improving under an obama administration that spends more than our country is producing and trading. Eventually we will end up like European countries if we don't turn things around now. Not a good scenario for future generations.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Just a little about myself to start off this blog. I'm just another old guy with opinions on just about everything. My name is Dean Bradford and I'm 53 years old. My wife and I have raised 4 good kids and have 1 grandson. I started my working career as a draftsman at 18 years old and have worked as a draftsman, designer, project manager/subcontracting manager, cost estimator, and a few years as a deputy sheriff.

In this blog I will share the opinions I have on whatever subject I happen to be focused on at the time. I will also share my tips or ideas I would like my kids and grandkids to remember as they go through life. Maybe my tips and ideas will help you, or someone you know, too.