Friday, June 15, 2012

Giving Away America

So this morning I read that obama has bypassed congress again and will stop the deportation of some 800,000 illegal young people and will offer them work permits that are good for 2 years and renewable an unlimited number of times. What is wrong with this guy who is supposed to be POTUS? With our economy still in the tank, unemployment still at record levels, and 1/2 of our newest college grads unemployed, you would think obama would concentrate on helping US CITIZENS AND EMPLOYERS! I guess since I have a son-in-law that's recently unemployed (with a pregnant wife and a 3 year old) and two kids in college, I tend to see obama's actions as a threat to the country and my family. I also think he's just buying votes by pandering to a segment of the population. I really don't see the economic situation improving under an obama administration that spends more than our country is producing and trading. Eventually we will end up like European countries if we don't turn things around now. Not a good scenario for future generations.

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