What has the USA come to?
Liberals are doing their best to turn the USA into a European style country. Liberals are turning US colleges and universities into their own breeding grounds for the next generation of complete idiots. Liberals are pushing for more and more gun control. Liberals are pushing to allow more illegal immigrants and moslem "refugees" into the USA without adequate background checks. Liberals are wanting to spend more and more on programs, shovel ready jobs, and ever increasing regulations on US CITIZENS and COMPANIES. Liberals are causing increasing racial tensions and distrust of law enforcement officers. When will it end? Who is going to have the balls to say "Enough is enough"?
Will conservatives in the GOP or Tea Party ever step up and actually do something to preserve our country? Is the GOP more concerned about establishment members of the party? The GOP has had control of the House and Senate and still cannot do anything to curb Obama's agenda. The GOP has done little to ensure Hillary Clinton will be held accountable for her numerous infractions of state and federal laws. It would seem that the GOP would want to increase their pressure on the democrats and turn the tide of liberalism. Start with reducing departments in the government, repeal duplicated regulations, abolish the IRS, pass term limits, reform immigration, rebuild the world's strongest military, follow the Constitution, find ways to use the energy we have right here in the USA, rebuild our manufacturing jobs, and on and on. The possibilities are endless!
Depend on our Patriots to do what they have to do when the time comes. And with barack obama, President Pussy, in office that time is coming.
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