Monday, February 25, 2013

Why Does Obama Scare People?

I find myself wondering, especially when I'm listening to the news, why would the President of the United States find it necessary to try to scare CITIZENS? Who is he targeting, the low informed, ignorant, gullible that believe chicken little's story that the sky is falling? I wonder if our elected officials in Washington ever hear from people when Obama starts his ranting. I wonder if they ever read the emails or tweets, or letters that citizens send their way. I wonder if things would be different if senators and representatives only had an opportunity to serve a maximum of two terms and a president only one. Would they try to change things that really matter to their constituents? As it is now these elected officials serve as many terms as they can get elected and learn the methods of looking productive while getting maximum benefits. Most US CITIZENS work their entire lives and don't get the benefits their elected officials get. Not even close! So why don't we demand a change? Why do we let minorities of any type bully everyone else with threats and scare tactics and lawsuits? Why do we let our president threaten CITIZENS and let him continue to tear down the country built by our ancestors and ruin the future for our children?

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