Friday, August 1, 2014

Is There Any Hope For America?

Everyday I read the news and see comments posted by, supposedly, US CITIZENS that support letting the illegal immigrants into our country with no repercussions at all. US CITIZENS supporting hamas terrorists against Israel. US CITIZENS supporting muslims that don't speak up or condemn the actions of militant muslims.

My question is: WHY? Why do you support militants that rape, torture, and kill just because they want to or because some false religion and "religious" leaders tell them to? Why do you support any action against our country, citizens, military, and allies? If you want to support them go where they are and join the fight. That way you can legitimately be killed as an enemy of the United States. That goes for Barack Obama too because he sure as hell doesn't seem to be fulfilling his duty to the United States as president.

WHY do you support letting tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into this country that carry disease, that might be drug cartel members, that might be terrorists coming into our county? Illegals could be deported from the US regardless of how long they've been here or how they got here. Millions of US CITIZENS work hard at whatever job they have and pay their taxes and find a way to make ends meet. It gets harder every year. Now we're going to just add who knows how many illegals that will be dependent on the government for handouts, which means a burden on US taxpayers and more competition for whatever jobs illegals might be suited for. Of course I know that there are plenty of jobs to go around, right? How many of those illegals are terrorists taking a shot at getting into the US so they'll be able to strike at us from within? No one in the Obama administration seems to think it's possible. I guess time will tell but I hope someone is able to put hands on Obama and hold him accountable when it happens. He will be the one to blame.

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